Wednesday, December 30, 2020

New Year's Eve

Venn diagrams. I'm a huge fan. As an ESL instructor, I used them to prepare my students for midterm speaking exams. A hot-air popper, kernels, salt, butter and a bowl were unpacked in the classroom. A bag of Smartfood too. We made fresh popcorn before sampling its factory-made counterpart; then, the template with its overlapping circles helped us do a detailed comparison. The students proceeded to abstract, complex topics while I swept white reminders of the lesson off the floor.

In XII – Within, there’s a another one. "Sketch a Venn diagram (of Pam and me) and the mutual attributes would enlarge the overlapping circles until only slim crescents of divergence remained, but that divergence was formidable and impacted the way we walked on the earth before we walked together on the trail. Me? A hand-wringer. Pam? She pulled up her socks.”

Today as we get ready to say good-bye (good riddance, WTF...) to 2020, I’m once again drawn to, well, drawing a Venn diagram. Hand-wringing vs. pulling up socks. 2019 vs 2020. Pfizer vs Moderna. Citizens vs. finance ministers. There are countless options; enough to keep me pondering well into January, possibly beyond.